The following links provide further information on the support that's available for students and staff, whether something has happened to you or someone you know.

In an emergency

If you feel threatened or uncomfortable, you can call campus security on  +44 (0) 20 8392 3333 , available 24/7, 365 days a year.

If you need urgent medical assistance, call 999. If possible, please then let security know on  +44 (0) 20 8392 3333  so they can direct emergency services.

Call the emergency services on 999.

For students

  • The University Wellbeing service offers support and advice on issues affecting your student life, with signposting and referral to more specialist services. If you are not sure where to go, this is a good place to start. You can contact your Student Wellbeing Team here.
  • The University’s Student Engagement Team is here to support you with continuing and progressing in your studies, if you are struggling with your studies, you can contact the Student Engagement Team here.
  • Roehampton Students’ Union offers free and independent  Academic and Housing Advice & Support  to students at the University of Roehampton. You can find out more about this service here.
  • If you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened you can consider applying for mitigating circumstances, more information is available here.
  • The Chaplaincy team offers a listening service for students of all faiths and none. If you are struggling with an aspect of academic or non-academic life, and would like to speak to someone please consider contacting a Chaplain for a chat. For the Chaplaincy Listening Service, you can email them here
  •  You can access external support through The Havens; Rape Crisis Centre and Victim Support.
  •  Galop is an LGBTQ+ anti-violence charity providing support to LGBTQ+ people who've experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence. If you would like to access their services you can do so here

For staff

  • The University has a range of ways in which staff can access support, advice or staff representation, information is available here on our Employee Assistance Programme and wellbeing resources you can access.
  • If you are a member of staff or manager your HR partner will be able to identify the support that’s available for you, contact your HR partner here.
  • There are two trade unions that represent staff, GMB and UCU, you can find out how to contact your union here.
  • The University has a number of staff network groups. They are a fantastic way to network with people from all over the University, build contacts, share experiences, arrange events and socialise. You can find out how to contact your staff networks here. 
  •  You can access external support through The Havens; Rape Crisis Centre and Victim Support.
  •  Galop is an LGBTQ+ anti-violence charity providing support to LGBTQ+ people who've experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence. If you would like to access their services you can do so here

There are two ways you can tell us what happened